10 ways to prepare like a pro to have your building photographed.
Someone wants to send a photographer to your building. Whether it’s your architect, interior designer, builder, or marketing team, here’s a helpful list of things you can do to prepare for the shoot.

Be strategic with your photos, too.
You start with a creative strategy when developing concepts for your advertising and design pieces. Apply that same process for stronger photography. Who is the target audience? Who are you competing with? What’s the objective, the rational appeal, the emotional appeal, the tonality?
A good example is the difference between real estate photography and architectural photography.

Create a branded look for your images.
Next time you plan a photoshoot, think about creating a branded look and establishing a framework that can unite your images visually and emotionally. Hire an art director if you can. They will collect references and talk with your photographer about why certain elements are important. The photographer will get excited about the challenge of working within parameters and want to push the limits to give you even more ways to build on that vision and strengthen your brand voice.
This is more than creating a look or adding a filter. It’s strategic…

Understanding compass headings for sunrise and sunset can help you plan for location photoshoots
When photographing architectural exteriors, it's helpful to know where the sun will rise and set in relation to your subject.
We need surgery photos – real surgery vs. staged
Photographing a surgical team in the operating room is a great way to showcase specialized medical teams and technology. But should you shoot a real surgery or stage it?
Building a shot list.
Building a shot list is more than making a list of products. It should also take into consideration time of day, time per shot, location and number of views/scenarios needed and talent. An experienced art director can help develop a focused shot list that takes these things into account. It seldom all goes exactly according to plan and you have to be adaptable. A shot list is a goal and it's good to try and leave a little breathing room in it because you'll probably need it.